While many express dissatisfaction with major multiplayer projects (such as Apex Legends or Call of Duty), a new trend is emerging where well-known athletes or influencers themselves become involved in game development. One such example is set to release on September 3.

Spectre Divide is a competitive shooter where two teams of three players each face off in matches. Despite the small number of players, there can be up to 12 characters on the map, as each player can switch between two operators.

The game is being developed by the independent studio Mountaintop Studios, which is composed of veterans from Respawn, Riot, and Bungie. The free-to-play game was created with the involvement of former esports player and one of the most famous shooter streamers, Shroud, to ensure that Spectre Divide is as tailored to audience demands as possible.

A ranked mode will be available at launch, and the in-game store will offer skins for operators and weapons, but there will be no loot boxes or pay-to-win elements.

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