Riot Games has announced changes to the matchmaking and penalty systems in League of Legends, which take effect with the release of patch 14.17. 

One of the changes affects the ready-check system — players who frequently decline a match within a short period will now face penalties, such as temporary matchmaking restrictions or even account bans. According to Riot Games, this is aimed at combating stream sniping. 

Additionally, Riot Games has improved the matchmaking system: the number of players on autofill or secondary roles will now be more balanced between teams, and the LP difference between teams will be reduced. The developers also fixed a bug that previously allowed players who left a match early to avoid penalties — now all bans and restrictions will be applied correctly.

Patch 14.17 goes live on Wednesday. Along with the update, the developers nerfed, among others, Senna, Aurora, Ashe, Kennen, Seraphine, and Katarina, as well as buffed Caitlyn, Graves and Lissandra.

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