When it comes to team-based shooters, especially Counter-Strike, Brazilians are some of the most passionate and dedicated fans. They waited a long time for a home major, and that celebration finally happened in 2022. But what's better than one home major? Two home majors.

The government of Rio de Janeiro is in talks to host a second CS2 major within the next three years. This was reported by Chandy Teixeira, local municipality's gaming and esports coordinator, in a statement to Dust2 Brasil.

According to Teixeira, the government has already approached all tournament operators with the goal of organizing a CS2 major by the end of 2027. He mentioned that Rio de Janeiro should be an attractive destination for such a large-scale event due to its developed tourism sector and extensive network of hotels for players and spectators. Additionally, Teixeira expressed the desire to create a local esports club based at the Arena Gamer training center.

Main image: eslgaming.com