Do you know why Valve loves updating their games on Thursdays? Because the load on Steam servers is the lowest. The update of almost 1GB brings not only the ranked matchmaking to Deadlock but also brings lots of changes to the game balance.

In a huge changelog (it is indeed very long!) twenty-one out of twenty-two Deadlock heroes were tweaked in one way or another. Some have minor changes, some have drastic changes and only Kelvin is left untouched.

We will not focus on the hero changes, as it is a really long list that is almost impossible to analyze just by reading. Instead, we will highlight the general section of the changelog that might be very useful to know:

  • Pausing is not allowed in the first three minutes of the game. This change comes from Dota 2 where people used to go afk after the match was accepted. 
  • Builds in Deadlock now have a unique ID which will help you share good builds with more ease.
  • Added a Quick Cast on the abilities. Unlike Instant Cast, abilities will work when the button goes up. While the button is going down, you will be able see range/radius/other useful information related to the ability).
  • Guardians are reworked to have a 70% resist at the beginning of the game, which lowers every minute up to 10:00.
  • Urn reveals the runner on the minimap.
  • New teleports were added to the underground tunnels, and old ones slightly changed their positions.
  • Lots of audio updates and bug fixes.

You can read the full changelog on the Deadlock forum.

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