Never underestimate the voice of community and your players. In the last 30 days, Apex Legends got review-bombed, with only 7% of more than 80,000 reviews being positive. The reason was simple: changes to the battle pass that make it only obtainable via real world money.

Despite Respawn claiming the updated Battle Pass would benefit players, the cash-grabbing motive was really obvious, and players did not buy it. That's why Respawn announced that it brings back the option to buy the battle pass with in-game coins.

The new model with two Battle Passes per seasons stays, however. That would be a possible compromise that won't let earn that much money but still should work fine. Why? Because the Battle Pass lasts two times less now, that means less players would be able to complete it and earn enough coins. And those who don't play much of Apex Legends will have to pay if they want all this content.

Also, Respawn made clear that the first Premium Pass will be unlocked by completing "simple in-game challenges". We've yet to see these challenges, but it might be a good way to apologise.

Season 22 starts on August 6. We've yet to hear new announcements and changelogs.

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