The developers released a colorful and dynamic trailer to celebrate the launch of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The video discussed changes to the storyline and characters, especially towards the end of the game. If you're planning to play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth blind, then it's best to avoid watching the newly released trailer.
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The game's developers are proud to introduce a larger number of gamers not only to the iconic game but also to the broader world of role-playing storytelling. The remake has expanded the original Final Fantasy 7 in terms of the world, storyline, and characters.
They also reminded that they won the award for "Most Anticipated Game" at The Game Awards 2023.
We would like to remind you that critics have given high ratings to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. They liked the redesigned game world, combat system, mini-games, side activities, graphics, and sound. As for drawbacks, there are occasional issues with textures and some strange plot twists.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second part of the reimagining of the original game. It will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 5 console, but the exclusivity period will last only three months. The developers also plan to release a third part, which will conclude the story of the original title.
Main image by ensigame