Since the release of Counter-Strike 2, players have been constantly complaining about poor optimisation of the game. While developers brought several updates throughout the year, it looks like the situation has become worse.

According to statistics shared by data miner Thour on X (ex-Twitter) after a series of tests, the average FPS in Counter-Strike 2 dropped by 10% in September 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Thour measured the average FPS on all maps included in the competitive pool of CS2, comparing results a year apart. The tests were conducted on a PC with an Intel i5-12400F CPU, GTX 1660 Ti graphics card, and 16 GB of RAM. The maps that suffered the most from 2024 updates were Overpass (-15.6%), Nuke (-13.74%), and Mirage (-11.73%). The smallest drops in average FPS were on Anubis (-6.27%), Inferno (-7.03%), and Ancient (-7.98%).

Counter-Strike 2 was released in September 2023 after a period of closed testing. Since then, Valve has released several updates to fix bugs and add new content.

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